A First Look at SQL
by K. Yue
1. Introduction
2. Very Simple SQL
Consider the toyu database.
Example: in MySQL, executing:
SELECT * FROM grade;
SELECT * FROM school;
SELECT * FROM department;
SELECT * FROM faculty;
SELECT * FROM course;
SELECT * FROM class;
SELECT * FROM student;
SELECT * FROM enroll;
Result: (MariaDB is compatible to MySQL).
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM grade;
| grade | gradePoint |
| A | 4.0000 |
| A- | 3.6667 |
| B | 3.0000 |
| B+ | 3.3333 |
| B- | 2.6667 |
| C | 2.0000 |
| C+ | 2.3333 |
| C- | 1.6667 |
| D | 1.0000 |
| D+ | 1.3333 |
| D- | 0.6667 |
| F | 0.0000 |
| IP | NULL |
| P | NULL |
| WX | NULL |
15 rows in set (0.004 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM school;
| schoolCode | schoolName |
| BUS | Business |
| EDU | Education |
| HSH | Human Sciences and Humanities |
| CSE | Science and Engineering |
4 rows in set (0.003 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM department;
| deptCode | deptName | schoolCode | numStaff |
| ACCT | Accounting | BUS | 10 |
| ARTS | Arts | HSH | 5 |
| CINF | Computer Information Systems | CSE | 5 |
| CSCI | Computer Science | CSE | 12 |
| ENGL | English | HSH | 12 |
| ITEC | Information Technology | CSE | 4 |
| MATH | Mathematics | CSE | 7 |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM faculty;
| facId | fname | lname | deptCode | rank |
| 1011 | Paul | Smith | CSCI | Professor |
| 1012 | Mary | Tran | CSCI | Associate Professor |
| 1013 | David | Love | CSCI | NULL |
| 1014 | Sharon | Mannes | CSCI | Assistant Professor |
| 1015 | Daniel | Kim | CINF | Professor |
| 1016 | Andrew | Byre | CINF | Associate Professor |
| 1017 | Deborah | Gump | ITEC | Professor |
| 1018 | Art | Allister | ARTS | Assistant Professor |
| 1019 | Benjamin | Yu | ITEC | Lecturer |
| 1020 | Katrina | Bajaj | ENGL | Lecturer |
| 1021 | Jorginlo | Neymar | ACCT | Assistant Professor |
11 rows in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM course;
| courseId | rubric | number | title | credits |
| 2000 | CSCI | 3333 | Data Structures | 3 |
| 2001 | CSCI | 4333 | Design of Database Systems | 3 |
| 2002 | CSCI | 5333 | DBMS | 3 |
| 2020 | CINF | 3321 | Introduction to Information Systems | 3 |
| 2021 | CINF | 4320 | Web Application Development | 3 |
| 2040 | ITEC | 3335 | Database Development | 3 |
| 2041 | ITEC | 3312 | Introduction to Scripting | 3 |
| 2060 | ENGL | 1410 | English I | 4 |
| 2061 | ENGL | 1311 | English II | 3 |
| 2080 | ARTS | 3311 | Hindu Arts | 3 |
| 2090 | ACCT | 3333 | Managerial Accounting | 3 |
11 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM class;
| classId | courseId | semester | year | facId | room |
| 10000 | 2000 | Fall | 2019 | 1011 | D241 |
| 10001 | 2001 | Fall | 2019 | 1011 | D242 |
| 10002 | 2002 | Fall | 2019 | 1012 | D136 |
| 10003 | 2020 | Fall | 2019 | 1014 | D241 |
| 10004 | 2021 | Fall | 2019 | 1014 | D241 |
| 10005 | 2040 | Fall | 2019 | 1015 | D237 |
| 10006 | 2041 | Fall | 2019 | 1019 | D217 |
| 10007 | 2060 | Fall | 2019 | 1020 | B101 |
| 10008 | 2080 | Fall | 2019 | 1018 | D241 |
| 11000 | 2000 | Spring | 2020 | 1011 | D241 |
| 11001 | 2001 | Spring | 2020 | 1012 | D242 |
| 11002 | 2002 | Spring | 2020 | 1013 | D136 |
| 11003 | 2020 | Spring | 2020 | 1016 | D217 |
| 11004 | 2061 | Spring | 2020 | 1018 | B101 |
14 rows in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM student;
| stuId | fname | lname | major | minor | ach | advisor |
| 100000 | Tony | Hawk | CSCI | CINF | 40 | 1011 |
| 100001 | Mary | Hawk | CSCI | CINF | 35 | 1011 |
| 100002 | David | Hawk | CSCI | ITEC | 66 | 1012 |
| 100003 | Catherine | Lim | ITEC | CINF | 20 | NULL |
| 100004 | Larry | Johnson | ITEC | NULL | 66 | 1017 |
| 100005 | Linda | Johnson | CINF | ENGL | 13 | 1015 |
| 100006 | Lillian | Johnson | CINF | ITEC | 18 | 1016 |
| 100007 | Ben | Zico | NULL | NULL | 16 | NULL |
| 100008 | Bill | Ching | ARTS | NULL | 90 | NULL |
| 100009 | Linda | King | ARTS | CSCI | 125 | 1018 |
| 100111 | Cathy | Johanson | NULL | NULL | 0 | 1018 |
11 rows in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM enroll;
| stuId | classId | grade | n_alerts |
| 100000 | 10000 | A | 0 |
| 100001 | 10000 | NULL | NULL |
| 100002 | 10000 | B- | 3 |
| 100000 | 10001 | A | 2 |
| 100001 | 10001 | A- | 0 |
| 100000 | 10002 | B+ | 1 |
| 100002 | 10002 | B+ | 2 |
| 100000 | 10003 | C | 0 |
| 100002 | 10003 | D | 4 |
| 100004 | 10003 | A | 0 |
| 100005 | 10003 | NULL | NULL |
| 100000 | 10004 | A- | 1 |
| 100004 | 10004 | B+ | NULL |
| 100005 | 10004 | A- | 0 |
| 100006 | 10004 | C+ | NULL |
| 100005 | 10005 | A- | 0 |
| 100006 | 10005 | A | NULL |
| 100005 | 10006 | B+ | NULL |
| 100007 | 10007 | F | 4 |
| 100008 | 10007 | C- | 0 |
| 100007 | 10008 | A- | 0 |
| 100000 | 11001 | D | 4 |
22 rows in set (0.000 sec)
Consider the following instance of the table department:
| deptCode | deptName | schoolCode | numStaff |
| ACCT | Accounting | BUS | 10 |
| ARTS | Arts | HSH | 5 |
| CINF | Computer Information Systems | CSE | 5 |
| CSCI | Computer Science | CSE | 12 |
| ENGL | English | HSH | 12 |
| ITEC | Information Technology | CSE | 4 |
| MATH | Mathematics | CSE | 7 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> desc department;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| deptCode | char(4) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| deptName | varchar(30) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| schoolCode | char(3) | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| numStaff | tinyint(4) | YES | | NULL | |
4 rows in set (0.005 sec)
Note that 'KEY' and 'INDEX' have the same meaning in MySQL.
After inserting a new row:
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('PHYS', 'Physics','CSE',3);
MariaDB [toyu]> INSERT INTO department VALUES ('PHYS', 'Physics','CSE',3);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.012 sec)
The new relation instance of the table department:
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * from department;
| deptCode | deptName | schoolCode | numStaff |
| ACCT | Accounting | BUS | 10 |
| ARTS | Arts | HSH | 5 |
| CINF | Computer Information Systems | CSE | 5 |
| CSCI | Computer Science | CSE | 12 |
| ENGL | English | HSH | 12 |
| ITEC | Information Technology | CSE | 4 |
| MATH | Mathematics | CSE | 7 |
| PHYS | Physics | CSE | 3 |
8 rows in set (0.000 sec)
DELETE FROM department WHERE deptCode = 'PHYS';
MariaDB [toyu]> DELETE FROM department WHERE deptCode = 'PHYS';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.009 sec)
The relation instance reverts back.
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * from department;
| deptCode | deptName | schoolCode | numStaff |
| ACCT | Accounting | BUS | 10 |
| ARTS | Arts | HSH | 5 |
| CINF | Computer Information Systems | CSE | 5 |
| CSCI | Computer Science | CSE | 12 |
| ENGL | English | HSH | 12 |
| ITEC | Information Technology | CSE | 4 |
| MATH | Mathematics | CSE | 7 |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM student;
| stuId | fname | lname | major | minor | ach | advisor |
| 100000 | Tony | Hawk | CSCI | CINF | 40 | 1011 |
| 100001 | Mary | Hawk | CSCI | CINF | 35 | 1011 |
| 100002 | David | Hawk | CSCI | ITEC | 66 | 1012 |
| 100003 | Catherine | Lim | ITEC | CINF | 20 | NULL |
| 100004 | Larry | Johnson | ITEC | NULL | 66 | 1017 |
| 100005 | Linda | Johnson | CINF | ENGL | 13 | 1015 |
| 100006 | Lillian | Johnson | CINF | ITEC | 18 | 1016 |
| 100007 | Ben | Zico | NULL | NULL | 16 | NULL |
| 100008 | Bill | Ching | ARTS | NULL | 90 | NULL |
| 100009 | Linda | King | ARTS | CSCI | 125 | 1018 |
| 100111 | Cathy | Johanson | NULL | NULL | 0 | 1018 |
11 rows in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT * FROM enroll;
| stuId | classId | grade | n_alerts |
| 100000 | 10000 | A | 0 |
| 100001 | 10000 | NULL | NULL |
| 100002 | 10000 | B- | 3 |
| 100000 | 10001 | A | 2 |
| 100001 | 10001 | A- | 0 |
| 100000 | 10002 | B+ | 1 |
| 100002 | 10002 | B+ | 2 |
| 100000 | 10003 | C | 0 |
| 100002 | 10003 | D | 4 |
| 100004 | 10003 | A | 0 |
| 100005 | 10003 | NULL | NULL |
| 100000 | 10004 | A- | 1 |
| 100004 | 10004 | B+ | NULL |
| 100005 | 10004 | A- | 0 |
| 100006 | 10004 | C+ | NULL |
| 100005 | 10005 | A- | 0 |
| 100006 | 10005 | A | NULL |
| 100005 | 10006 | B+ | NULL |
| 100007 | 10007 | F | 4 |
| 100008 | 10007 | C- | 0 |
| 100007 | 10008 | A- | 0 |
| 100000 | 11001 | D | 4 |
22 rows in set (0.000 sec)
3. MySQL
DBMS mostly uses a client-server architecture.
3.1 MySQL Server Setup
We will use MariaDB that is a part of XAMPP. Do not recommend installing standalone MySQL.
[1] Install XAMPP, which contains many server software configured to work together for development purposes. For XAMPP, we will use MySQL/Maria DB and Apache (Web server).
3.2 MySQL Clients Setup:
It is common to use multiple clients to connect to a backend database server. In this course, we will use three clients in our classes. You may use your own favorite clients (e.g., MySQL Workbench). However, I may not be as helpful in these clients.
[1] MySQL Command-Line Prompt: will be used in this class.
mysql –h host -u user -p
mysql –h host -u user -p -P port_number
[2] PhPMyAdmin
[3] HeidiSQL: will be used in this class
[4] MySQL Workbench:
4. SQL
SELECT DISTINCT <<result_columns>>
<<source_tables>> -- conceptually joined to form a large table
Declarative Analysis
Using toyu, executing the SQL:
-- Department codes and their names
SELECT DISTINCT deptCode, deptName
FROM department;
-- Faculty information from the department 'CSCI'
FROM faculty
WHERE deptCode = 'CSCI';
-- Faculty names from the department 'CSCI'
SELECT DISTINCT fname, lname
FROM faculty
WHERE deptCode = 'CSCI';
-- Associate professor names from the department 'CSCI'.
SELECT DISTINCT fname, lname
FROM faculty
WHERE deptCode = 'CSCI'
AND `rank` = 'Associate Professor';
-- Department names and numbers of faculty with the numbers
SELECT DISTINCT deptName, numStaff
FROM department
WHERE numStaff >= 10;
-- Names of all faculty members and their
-- department names and ranks.
SELECT DISTINCT faculty.fName, faculty.lname,
department.deptName, faculty.`rank`
FROM department, faculty
WHERE faculty.deptCode = department.deptCode;
SELECT DISTINCT faculty.fName, faculty.lname,
department.deptName, faculty.`rank`
FROM department INNER JOIN faculty ON (faculty.deptCode = department.deptCode);
MariaDB [toyu]> -- Department codes and their names
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT DISTINCT deptCode, deptName
-> FROM department;
| deptCode | deptName |
| ACCT | Accounting |
| ARTS | Arts |
| CINF | Computer Information Systems |
| CSCI | Computer Science |
| ENGL | English |
| ITEC | Information Technology |
| MATH | Mathematics |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]>
MariaDB [toyu]> -- Faculty information from the department 'CSCI'
-> FROM faculty
-> WHERE deptCode = 'CSCI';
| facId | fname | lname | deptCode | rank |
| 1011 | Paul | Smith | CSCI | Professor |
| 1012 | Mary | Tran | CSCI | Associate Professor |
| 1013 | David | Love | CSCI | NULL |
| 1014 | Sharon | Mannes | CSCI | Assistant Professor |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]>
MariaDB [toyu]> -- Faculty names from the department 'CSCI'
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT DISTINCT fname, lname
-> FROM faculty
-> WHERE deptCode = 'CSCI';
| fname | lname |
| Paul | Smith |
| Mary | Tran |
| David | Love |
| Sharon | Mannes |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]>
MariaDB [toyu]> -- Associate professor names from the department 'CSCI'
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT DISTINCT fname, lname
-> FROM faculty
-> WHERE deptCode = 'CSCI'
-> AND `rank` = 'Associate Professor';
| fname | lname |
| Mary | Tran |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]>
MariaDB [toyu]> -- Department names and numbers of faculty with the numbers
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT DISTINCT deptName, numStaff
-> FROM department
-> WHERE numStaff >= 10;
| deptName | numStaff |
| Accounting | 10 |
| Computer Science | 12 |
| English | 12 |
3 rows in set (0.002 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]>
MariaDB [toyu]> -- Names of all faculty members and their
MariaDB [toyu]> -- department names and ranks.
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT DISTINCT faculty.fName, faculty.lname,
-> department.deptName, faculty.`rank`
-> FROM department, faculty
-> WHERE faculty.deptCode = department.deptCode;
| fName | lname | deptName | rank |
| Paul | Smith | Computer Science | Professor |
| Mary | Tran | Computer Science | Associate Professor |
| David | Love | Computer Science | NULL |
| Sharon | Mannes | Computer Science | Assistant Professor |
| Daniel | Kim | Computer Information Systems | Professor |
| Andrew | Byre | Computer Information Systems | Associate Professor |
| Deborah | Gump | Information Technology | Professor |
| Art | Allister | Arts | Assistant Professor |
| Benjamin | Yu | Information Technology | Lecturer |
| Katrina | Bajaj | English | Lecturer |
| Jorginlo | Neymar | Accounting | Assistant Professor |
11 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [toyu]>
MariaDB [toyu]> SELECT DISTINCT faculty.fName, faculty.lname,
-> department.deptName, faculty.`rank`
-> FROM department INNER JOIN faculty ON (faculty.deptCode = department.deptCode);
| fName | lname | deptName | rank |
| Paul | Smith | Computer Science | Professor |
| Mary | Tran | Computer Science | Associate Professor |
| David | Love | Computer Science | NULL |
| Sharon | Mannes | Computer Science | Assistant Professor |
| Daniel | Kim | Computer Information Systems | Professor |
| Andrew | Byre | Computer Information Systems | Associate Professor |
| Deborah | Gump | Information Technology | Professor |
| Art | Allister | Arts | Assistant Professor |
| Benjamin | Yu | Information Technology | Lecturer |
| Katrina | Bajaj | English | Lecturer |
| Jorginlo | Neymar | Accounting | Assistant Professor |
11 rows in set (0.000 sec)
Classroom Demonstration and Exercises:
Example. Show all student names.
Expected Result:
| lname | fname |
| Hawk | Tony |
| Hawk | Mary |
| Hawk | David |
| Lim | Catherine |
| Johnson | Larry |
| Johnson | Linda |
| Johnson | Lillian |
| Zico | Ben |
| Ching | Bill |
| King | Linda |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Declarative Analysis:
[1] Sources: student
[2] Conditions: none
[3] Output fields: lname, fname
SELECT DISTINCT s.fname, s.lname
FROM student AS s -- s is the alias of student
Example. List the last names and first names of students minoring in CINF and having 1011 as faculty advisor.
| lname | fname |
| Hawk | Tony |
| Hawk | Mary |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)
[1] Source tables: student
[2] Conditions:
[3] Output columns:
[suggested solution of sample question]
SELECT DISTINCT s.fname, s.lname
FROM student AS s -- s is the alias of student
WHERE s.minor = 'CINF'
AND s.advisor = 1011;
Classroom examples:
1. All student names and the major codes.
2. All student names and the major department names.
3. All student names enrolled in the class with id 10003.
4. Show all information of students majoring in ‘MATH’.
5. Show the names and credits of students majoring in 'CSCI'.
6. Show the names and credits of students majoring in 'CSCI' and having 40 or more ach credits.
7. Show the id of students enrolled in the course CSCI 4333.
8. Show the code of departments with faculty in the rank of 'Professor'.
9. Show the names of departments with faculty in the rank of 'Professor'.
10. Show the names of students who have enrolled in the course CSCI 4333.
11. Show the names and major names of every student.
12. Show the names, major names, and advisor names of every student.
13. Show the student names and their major names for all students who have received a grade A in a class offered by a faculty from the CSCI department.
14. Show the student names who have enrolled in at least two classes.
Will work on past SQL assignments.