Introduction to
Microsoft's Access

by K. Yue

1. Resources

The Relational Model

The basic relational data model in layman terms:

  1. A database is composed of a collection of tables (relations).
  2. A table contains many rows (tuples) and columns (attributes)
  3. Each row contains many column values.
  4. Every row of a table has the same columns.
  5. Values of the same column have the same data type.
  6. A table has a primary key to uniquely identify a row.
  7. Data from two tables R1 and R2 can be linked by a foreign key of R1, for example, a column A, which has a value in a column B, the primary key of the table R2 (known as the parent table).


Consider toyu_init.accdb:

The database toyu has six tables:

  1. student(stuId, fname, lname, major, minor, credits, advisor)
  2. department(deptCode, deptName, schoolCode, numFaculty)
  3. faculty(facId, fname, lname, deptCode, rank)
  4. course(courseId, rubric, number, name, credits)
  5. class(classId, courseId, semester, year, facId, room)
  6. enroll(stuId, classId, grade, n_alerts)

The student table contains 10 rows:


Student has seven columns:


Columns should be defined such as in a data dictionary. For example: for the table student:

Student: a row in the student table stores the information of a student.

  1. stuId: a unique id for the student
  2. fname: the first name of the student
  3. lname: the last name of the student
  4. major: the department code (deptCode) of the major of the student. It may not be declared.
  5. minor: the department code (deptCode) of the minor of the student. It may not be declared.
  6. credits: the number of completed credits of the student.
  7. advisor: the faculty id (facId) of the faculty who serves as the advisor of the student. A student may have no faculty advisor.

The table faculty:


Classroom exercise:

Provide the data dictionary for the table faculty.


Consider the stuId 100000 in the student table:

(stuId: 100000, fname: 'Tony', lname: 'Hawk', major:'CSCI', minor: 'CINF', credits:40, advisor:1011)

The column 'advisor' is a foreign key in the table student. Its value, 1011, must appear in the column 'facId', which is the primary key of the table faculty (the parent table).

A relationship diagram in Access shows foreign key relationship between tables.


A primary key may be a composite key (containing more than one columns) and a table can have multiple foreign keys.


Classroom exercise:

List the primary keys and foreign keys of all tables.

Classroom Demonstration

(1) Insert/Update/Delete

(a) Using toyu.accdb, add a new student:

(stuId: 100100, fname: 'Stephanie', lname: 'Smith', major:'MATH', minor: 'CINF', credits:33, advisor:1012)

(b) Lillian Johnson now has no minor.

(c) The class with id 11004 is canceled and its information should be deleted.

(2) New table: Create a new table School with columns:

  1. schoolCode: short Text, primary key
  2. schoolName: short Text

Insert the following four rows into the newly created table.

schoolCode schoolName
BUS Business
CSE Science and Engineering
EDU Education
HSH Human Sciences and Humanities

(3) Foreign key:

Make schoolCode a foreign key of the table department (referring to schoolCode of the table School).