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Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> use toyu; Database changed mysql> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_toyu | +----------------+ | class | | course | | department | | enroll | | faculty | | grade | | school | | student | +----------------+ 8 rows in set (0.04 sec) mysql> select * from faculty_more; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'toyu.faculty_more' doesn't exist mysql> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Faculty_more ( -> facId INT NOT NULL, -> fname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> lname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> deptCode VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL, -> deptName VARCHAR(30), -> `rank` VARCHAR(25), -> CONSTRAINT Faculty_facId_pk PRIMARY KEY (facId)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from faculty_more; Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO faculty_more -> SELECT DISTINCT f.facId, -> f.fname, f.lname, f.deptCode, -> d.deptName AS department, -> f.`rank` -> FROM faculty f INNER JOIN department d -> ON (f.deptCode = d.deptCode); Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.03 sec) Records: 11 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> select * from faculty_more; +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | facId | fname | lname | deptCode | deptName | rank | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | 1011 | Paul | Smith | CSCI | Computer Science | Professor | | 1012 | Mary | Tran | CSCI | Computer Science | Associate Professor | | 1013 | David | Love | CSCI | Computer Science | NULL | | 1014 | Sharon | Mannes | CSCI | Computer Science | Assistant Professor | | 1015 | Daniel | Kim | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Professor | | 1016 | Andrew | Byre | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Associate Professor | | 1017 | Deborah | Gump | ITEC | Information Technology | Professor | | 1018 | Art | Allister | ARTS | Arts | Assistant Professor | | 1019 | Benjamin | Yu | ITEC | Information Technology | Lecturer | | 1020 | Katrina | Bajaj | ENGL | English | Lecturer | | 1021 | Jorginlo | Neymar | ACCT | Accounting | Assistant Professor | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ 11 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT DISTINCT f.facId, -> f.fname, f.lname, f.deptCode, -> d.deptName AS department, -> f.`rank` -> FROM faculty f INNER JOIN department d -> ON (f.deptCode = d.deptCode); +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | facId | fname | lname | deptCode | department | rank | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | 1021 | Jorginlo | Neymar | ACCT | Accounting | Assistant Professor | | 1018 | Art | Allister | ARTS | Arts | Assistant Professor | | 1015 | Daniel | Kim | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Professor | | 1016 | Andrew | Byre | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Associate Professor | | 1011 | Paul | Smith | CSCI | Computer Science | Professor | | 1012 | Mary | Tran | CSCI | Computer Science | Associate Professor | | 1013 | David | Love | CSCI | Computer Science | NULL | | 1014 | Sharon | Mannes | CSCI | Computer Science | Assistant Professor | | 1020 | Katrina | Bajaj | ENGL | English | Lecturer | | 1017 | Deborah | Gump | ITEC | Information Technology | Professor | | 1019 | Benjamin | Yu | ITEC | Information Technology | Lecturer | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ 11 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Faculty_more_2 ( -> facId INT NOT NULL, -> fname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> lname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -> deptCode VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL, -> deptName VARCHAR(30), -> `rank` VARCHAR(25), -> CONSTRAINT Faculty_facId_pk PRIMARY KEY (facId)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.23 sec) mysql> select * from faculty_more _2; +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | facId | fname | lname | deptCode | deptName | rank | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | 1011 | Paul | Smith | CSCI | Computer Science | Professor | | 1012 | Mary | Tran | CSCI | Computer Science | Associate Professor | | 1013 | David | Love | CSCI | Computer Science | NULL | | 1014 | Sharon | Mannes | CSCI | Computer Science | Assistant Professor | | 1015 | Daniel | Kim | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Professor | | 1016 | Andrew | Byre | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Associate Professor | | 1017 | Deborah | Gump | ITEC | Information Technology | Professor | | 1018 | Art | Allister | ARTS | Arts | Assistant Professor | | 1019 | Benjamin | Yu | ITEC | Information Technology | Lecturer | | 1020 | Katrina | Bajaj | ENGL | English | Lecturer | | 1021 | Jorginlo | Neymar | ACCT | Accounting | Assistant Professor | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ 11 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_toyu | +----------------+ | class | | course | | department | | enroll | | faculty | | faculty_more_2 | | grade | | school | | student | +----------------+ 9 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> select * from faculty_more _2; +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | facId | fname | lname | deptCode | deptName | rank | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | 1011 | Paul | Smith | CSCI | Computer Science | Professor | | 1012 | Mary | Tran | CSCI | Computer Science | Associate Professor | | 1013 | David | Love | CSCI | Computer Science | NULL | | 1014 | Sharon | Mannes | CSCI | Computer Science | Assistant Professor | | 1015 | Daniel | Kim | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Professor | | 1016 | Andrew | Byre | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Associate Professor | | 1017 | Deborah | Gump | ITEC | Information Technology | Professor | | 1018 | Art | Allister | ARTS | Arts | Assistant Professor | | 1019 | Benjamin | Yu | ITEC | Information Technology | Lecturer | | 1020 | Katrina | Bajaj | ENGL | English | Lecturer | | 1021 | Jorginlo | Neymar | ACCT | Accounting | Assistant Professor | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ 11 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from faculty_more; +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | facId | fname | lname | deptCode | deptName | rank | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ | 1011 | Paul | Smith | CSCI | Computer Science | Professor | | 1012 | Mary | Tran | CSCI | Computer Science | Associate Professor | | 1013 | David | Love | CSCI | Computer Science | NULL | | 1014 | Sharon | Mannes | CSCI | Computer Science | Assistant Professor | | 1015 | Daniel | Kim | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Professor | | 1016 | Andrew | Byre | CINF | Computer Information Systems | Associate Professor | | 1017 | Deborah | Gump | ITEC | Information Technology | Professor | | 1018 | Art | Allister | ARTS | Arts | Assistant Professor | | 1019 | Benjamin | Yu | ITEC | Information Technology | Lecturer | | 1020 | Katrina | Bajaj | ENGL | English | Lecturer | | 1021 | Jorginlo | Neymar | ACCT | Accounting | Assistant Professor | +-------+----------+----------+----------+------------------------------+---------------------+ 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)