CSCI 6838 Capstone Projects
Guidelines For Final Reports
by K. Yue, September 2003
This document describe the general requirements and format of the final report. In the future, it will also provide link to selected final reports in previous semesters. Many parts borrow from Dr. Boetticher's guidelines. Thanks to him!
I. General
Each team must submit a final report for its project at the end of the semester. The final report is a technical report that completely describes all aspects of the project. Assume that the readers to be general computing professional who are interested in general computing technologies but do not necessary know much about the university.
Note the difference between powerpoint slides and a technical report. Presentation slides need not be complete as the presenter can elaborate further and the audiences may ask question. On the other hand, a final report needs to tell the entire story by itself. Thus, pure bullet forms with further explanation do not work with technical reports.
The report should be typed using word-processors. Figures and tables must be numbered, labeled and clearly presented. Information that is not directly applicable to the discussion in the report should be placed in the appendices. Other items that would be found in the appendix include detailed computations, generated output, and source code.
Although it is obvious, make sure to check your grammar and spelling. A poorly written document implies that the software is also poorly written. Proofread all documents (and use the spelling checker) prior to submitting the final report. Like any technical writings, it is common for your final report to undergo several major and minor revisions.
II. Final Report Layout
III. Final Report Contents
The narratives of your final report (sections 4 to 7 below) must not be more than 14 pages (Sections 4 to 7 below). Source code, screen shots and other less important details can be included in the appendices.
Your final report should have the following contents:
1. Cover Page
2. Abstract
This is a concise executive summary of the project, describing the problem, the design, implementation and evaluation of the solution prototype and recommendations for future enhancement. The page number use Roman number in lower case.
3. Table of contents
4. Introduction
This section introduces the problem, its significance, context and specifications, existing current work and related problems. It also gives an overview of the solution described by the report. This section startis at page 1 of the narrative.
5. Technical Body
These sections are the technical contents of the final report. You may use several sections to cover the technical body and arrange the order in your preferred manner. In general, the technical body should contain the following:
Design and Implementation of Solutions
Topics to be covered may include:
You may use screen to capture the functionality and look and feel of your prototype. If there are many screen shots, you may include them in the appendices.
Evaluation of Solution
This section provides evaluation of the solution prototype in the following respects:
This section alson describes the lessons learnt from the project and provides future directions, such as:
6. Project Management and Team Information
This section describes the development process and the development team including:
The detailed percentage breakdown of each major task must be included.
7. Conclusion
This section describes whether, according to the team, the project is successful or not and a summary of the supporting reasons. It also includes a summary of the recommendations for future enhancements.
8. References
This section includes all references cited in the technical report body. You should use established reference formats. Limit your citations to 12.
9. Appendices
This section includes all appendices.
III. Selected Samples
In the future, this section will contain links to selected final reports of previous semesters for references. The selected final reports are usually of relatively good quality.