1. Show all information of suppliers in the city Houston. java edu.gsu.cs.ra.RA supply SELECT [SCity='Houston'] (Supplier); 4. Show all information of parts with a color of Red and weight more than 5 lbs. expected: empty set. SELECT [Color='Red' and Weight>5] (Part); Show all information of parts with a color of Blue and weight more than 10 lbs. expected: P6 Musical Box Blue 13 SELECT [Color='Blue' and Weight>10] (Part); 12. Show the part numbers and weights of all parts with color Red. 12a. all parts with color Red. SELECT [Color='Red'] (Part); 12b. the part numbers and weights of 12a. PROJECT [PNum, Weight] (SELECT [Color='Red'] (Part)); 5. Show all information of parts with a color of Red or Blue. Expected: 5 rows P3 Minipod Red 4 P4 Micropod Red 4 P5 Blue Spur Blue 3 P6 Musical Box Blue 13 P7 Bear Blue 9 SELECT [Color='Red' or Color = 'Blue'] (Part); syntax. Show all information of parts with a color of Red SELECT [Color='Red'] (Part); Number of tuples = 2 P3:Minipod:Red:4: P4:Micropod:Red:4: Show all information of parts with a color of Blue SELECT [Color='Blue'] (Part); Number of tuples = 3 P5:Blue Spur:Blue:3: P6:Musical Box:Blue:13: P7:Bear:Blue:9: SELECT [Color='Red'] (Part) UNION SELECT [Color='Blue'] (Part); 16. Show all information of parts supplied by supplier S2. S2 supplies P1, P2 and P4. Expected: PNum PName Color Weight P1 Drum Green 10 P2 Hammer Green 20 P4 Micropod Red 4 Combining two tables: Part TIMES Supply; Part JOIN Supply; java edu.gsu.cs.ra.RA sakila (a) List all film titles with the actor with id 10. PROJECT [title] (film JOIN (PROJECT [film_id] (SELECT [actor_id=10] (film_actor)))); (b) List the film titles with the actor named 'GRACE MOSTEL'. Number of tuples = 30 ANGELS LIFE: ANONYMOUS HUMAN: ARACHNOPHOBIA ROLLERCOASTER: BERETS AGENT: BREAKING HOME: SELECT [film_id=1] (film) JOIN film_actor; SELECT [film_id=1] (film JOIN film_actor); PROJECT [film_id] (SELECT [film_id=1] (film)) JOIN film_actor; SELECT [film_id=1] (film) JOIN RENAME [actor_id, film_id, lu] (film_actor); (b) 1. SELECT [first_name='GRACE' AND last_name='MOSTEL'] (actor); 2. PROJECT [actor_id] (1); PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [first_name='GRACE' AND last_name='MOSTEL'] (actor)); 3. film_actor JOIN (3); film_actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [first_name='GRACE' AND last_name='MOSTEL'] (actor))); 4. PROJECT[film_id](3); PROJECT[film_id](film_actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [first_name='GRACE' AND last_name='MOSTEL'] (actor)))); 5. film JOIN (4); film JOIN (PROJECT[film_id](film_actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [first_name='GRACE' AND last_name='MOSTEL'] (actor))))); 6. PROJECT [title] (5); PROJECT [title] (film JOIN (PROJECT[film_id](film_actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [first_name='GRACE' AND last_name='MOSTEL'] (actor)))))); (e) List the names of the actors who appear in the films with ids 2 and 11. Number of tuples = 1 GUINESS:SEAN: [1] List the names of the actors who appear in the films with ids 2 PROJECT [first_name, last_name] (actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=2] (film_actor)))); [2] List the names of the actors who appear in the films with ids 11 PROJECT [first_name, last_name] (actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=11] (film_actor)))); (PROJECT [first_name, last_name] (actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=2] (film_actor))))) INTERSECT (PROJECT [first_name, last_name] (actor JOIN (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=11] (film_actor))))); PROJECT [first_name, last_name] (actor JOIN ((PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=2] (film_actor))) INTERSECT (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=11] (film_actor))))); List actor names appearing in the file with id 1 or 3 PROJECT [first_name, last_name] (actor JOIN ((PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=1] (film_actor))) UNION (PROJECT [actor_id] (SELECT [film_id=3] (film_actor)))));