Introduction to Database Administrations

by K. Yue

1. Introduction

2. System Catalog


mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sakila             |
| test               |
| world              |
| yue_exp            |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL database


Try to add a new user by inserting into the user table: There are problems.

use mysql;


INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password,select_priv, insert_priv,     update_priv,ssl_cipher,x509_issuer,x509_subject)
VALUES ('localhost', 'abcde', PASSWORD('IloveDBMS'), 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL');


information_schema database


mysql> SELECT table_name, table_type, row_format, table_rows, avg_row_length
    -> FROM information_schema.tables
    -> WHERE table_schema = 'information_schema'
    -> ORDER BY table_name DESC;
| table_name                            | table_type  | row_format | table_rows | avg_row_length |
| VIEWS                                 | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| USER_PRIVILEGES                       | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           1986 |
| TRIGGERS                              | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| TABLE_PRIVILEGES                      | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           2372 |
| TABLE_CONSTRAINTS                     | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           2504 |
| TABLESPACES                           | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           6951 |
| TABLES                                | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           9450 |
| STATISTICS                            | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           5753 |
| SESSION_VARIABLES                     | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           3268 |
| SESSION_STATUS                        | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           3268 |
| SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES                     | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           2179 |
| SCHEMATA                              | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           3464 |
| ROUTINES                              | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS               | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           4814 |
| PROFILING                             | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |            308 |
| PROCESSLIST                           | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| PLUGINS                               | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| PARTITIONS                            | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| PARAMETERS                            | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| KEY_COLUMN_USAGE                      | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           4637 |
| INNODB_TRX                            | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           4534 |
| INNODB_LOCK_WAITS                     | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |            599 |
| INNODB_LOCKS                          | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |          31244 |
| INNODB_CMP_RESET                      | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |             25 |
| INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET                   | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |             29 |
| INNODB_CMPMEM                         | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |             29 |
| INNODB_CMP                            | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |             25 |
| GLOBAL_VARIABLES                      | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           3268 |
| GLOBAL_STATUS                         | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           3268 |
| FILES                                 | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           2677 |
| EVENTS                                | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| ENGINES                               | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |            490 |
| COLUMN_PRIVILEGES                     | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |           2565 |
| COLUMNS                               | SYSTEM VIEW | Dynamic    |       NULL |              0 |
| COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |            195 |
| COLLATIONS                            | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |            231 |
| CHARACTER_SETS                        | SYSTEM VIEW | Fixed      |       NULL |            384 |
37 rows in set (0.08 sec)


performance_schema database


-- Show user account including some privilege information
select host, user, create_user_priv, show_db_priv
from user;


Tables are stored using different 'storage engines.' The default storage engines in MySQL is InnoDB. To find out the storage engines and the numbers of tables using them:

select t.engine, count(*) as `table counts`
from information_schema.tables t
group by t.engine
order by `table counts` desc;

Running in my machine:

| engine             | table counts |
| InnoDB             |          289 |
| MEMORY             |           67 |
| PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA |           52 |
| NULL               |           34 |
| MyISAM             |           26 |
| Aria               |           11 |
| CSV                |            2 |
7 rows in set (0.10 sec)


One row has 'NULL" as the storage engine, i.e. no storage engine. Those are for 'views,' which are not physically stored.

select if (t.engine is null, 'No engine (view)', t.engine) as engine,
    count(*) as `table counts`
from information_schema.tables t
group by engine
order by `table counts` desc;


| engine             | table counts |
| InnoDB             |          289 |
| MEMORY             |           67 |
| PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA |           52 |
| No engine (view)   |           34 |
| MyISAM             |           26 |
| Aria               |           11 |
| CSV                |            2 |
7 rows in set, 1 warning (0.10 sec)






Classroom example follows.



To PHPMyAdmin:

Classroom example follows.