Critical Thinking in Information Systems and Database

by K. Yue

1. Introduction

Critical Thinking In Information Systems in General and Design of Database Systems in Particular

Information Technology is concerned with the applications of computing and communications technology to solve practical problems. For example, in Wikipedia, it is defined as "the application of computers to store, study, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise." The Association of Computing Machine (ACM), the professional association for computing sciences in US, defines the problem space for IT in the following diagram. IT is highly applicative in nature, with its targeted areas spanning from the organization issues and information systems level to the systems infrastructure level. Consequently, a thorough and accurate understanding and precise specification of the problem domain through modeling, with a clear understanding of all assumptions and relevant information is a prerequisite for effectively using IT to construct an effective solution. In fact, all elements of thought of critical thinking are essential in every step of the elaboration and modeling of the problem, and the design, implementation, and maintenance of an IT solution.

IT Problem Space

In particular, information is usually stored permanently in database. In database development (the subject of this course), critical thinking is integrated in the process. Database developers use principles of data modeling, such as the Entity-Relationship Model (ERM), to clearly and accurately understand the purposes, assumptions and the different points of views of the various types of users, to precisely specify the problem. Concepts of relational theory and data manipulation are applied to infer and construct suitable logical solutions. The implications and consequences of the design are assessed through the cost effectiveness of the database solutions.

The central question in database development is how to store and retrieve permanent data effectively for specific problems.

2. Critical Thinking



Think about and use CT EoT and standards on the following topics. Use the critical thinking form. For groups, use the group form.

  1. How do you get a grade of A in this course?
  2. How much time should I devote in the course per week?
  3. Any question of the choice of the class.

3. Critical Thinking Tools

Fundamental and Powerful Concepts (FPC) of the Course

In ACT vocabulary, fundamental and powerful concepts form the foundation that permeates and unites a course. In this course, these concepts are:

  1. Data modeling for clearly and precisely specifying problem purposes, requirements, assumptions, and constraints.
  2. Relatioal database design and development for constructing database solutions.
  3. Database processing for converting, updating, retrieving and transforming data.


Use FPC and SEE-I iteratively to learn the following topics: