ITEC 3335
Database Development
Fall 2017
Homework #5

Relational Schema and SQL DDL

(1) Using the suggested ERD solution of Homework #4 (not your own solution) and the specification of HW #4, construct the relation schemas to implement the ER diagram for SARS. For each relation, underline the PK and list:

  1. all candidate keys: e.g. (1) FacultyId, (2) {FirstName, LastName, DepartmentNumber}
  2. all foreign key references: e.g. (1) ChairFacultyId references Faculty(FacultyId), (2) StudentId references Student(StudentId)
  3. Attributes that can be null (i.e. Nullable): e.g. (1) MiddleInitial, (2) Phone

Use h5sol_template.docx as the template. Rename it as H5_<<Your name>>_<<Your Student ID>>.docx and send it to the TA.

(2) Provide the SQL DDL statements to create the tables identified in (1) and store them in the file h5q2.sql. Your TA should be able to execute the file in MySQL.


Submit the .erd, and .pdf (of a PDF printout of the .erd file or a PDF scan of the ER diagram) files to the TA. Name the files: H4_<<Your name>>_<<Your Student ID>>.<<file extension>>. Submit the homework through Blackboard.