-- -- q1. All customer information for those living in New York (NY). -- select distinct c.* from customer_t c where c.CustomerState = 'NY'; -- -- q2. List the product id, description and standard price of all -- products with a standard price between $200.0 to $400.0. -- select distinct p.ProductID, p.ProductDescription, p.ProductStandardPrice from product_t p where 200.0 <= p.ProductStandardPrice and p.ProductStandardPrice <= 400.0; -- -- q3. List the names and birthdates of employees without missing -- information in their birthdates. -- select distinct e.EmployeeId, e.EmployeeName, e.EmployeeBirthDate from employee_t e where e.EmployeeBirthDate is not null; -- -- q4. List all information of raw materials made of walnut with a width of 9 -- or more. -- select distinct r.* from rawmaterial_t r where r.Material = 'Walnut' and r.Width >= 9; -- -- q5. List all information of raw materials with a standard -- price more than or equal to $1000.0 or less than or equal to $0.1. -- select distinct r.* from rawmaterial_t r where r.MaterialStandardPrice >= 1000.0 or r.MaterialStandardPrice <= 0.1; -- -- q6. List the product descriptions and their standard prices of all Oak -- finished product in the descending order of prices. -- select distinct * from product_t p where p.ProductFinish = 'Oak' order by p.ProductStandardPrice desc;