CSCI 3333.3 Data Structures
Spring 2013
Suggested Solution to Homework #6


(1) (a)

Algorithm peek()
Input: IntegerStack s, an integeer stack
Output: the top element of s, without changing s. Retun null if s is empty.

if s.isEmpty() return null;
result = s.pop();
return result;


Algorithm findMax()
Input: IntegerStack s
Output: the maximum integer found in s, without changing s. Retun null if s is empty.

if s.isEmpty() return null;
IntegerStack temp = new IntegerStack();
maxSoFar = s.pop();
while (! s.isEmpty()) {
    currentInteger = s.pop()    
    if (currentInteger > maxSoFar) maxSoFar = currentInteger;
while (! temp.isEmpty()) {
return maxSoFar;

(2) Proof by Mathematical induction.

Let N = number of nodes
Nf = number of full nodes
Nl = number of leaves.

To prove: Nl = Nf + 1

For N= 1, it is trivial that Nl = 1 and Nf = 0 and the assertion is true.
Assume the assertion is true for N = k.
For N = k+1, let node i be the (k+1)th node added as a leave.
If the parent of i has node i as the only a leaf, then the parent changes from a leaf node to an interiori node. Thus, both Nf and Nl do not change, and the assertion is still true.
If the parent of i now has two node, then it becomes a full not. Thus, both Nf and Nl will be incremented by 1 and the assertion is still true.



Preorder traversal: ABDGHEIJLMCFK
Inorder traversal: GDHBIELJMACFK
Postorder traversal: GHDILMJEBKFCA



For, add:

    // Print tree rooted at current node using inorder traversal with indentation
    public void printInOrder(int identLevel)
        if( left != null )
            left.printInOrder(identLevel+1);            // Left
        for (int i=0; i<identLevel; i++) System.out.print("    ");
        System.out.println( element);                   // Node
        if( right != null )
            right.printInOrder(identLevel+1);           // Right

     * Return the sum of path lengths and size of the non-null binary tree rooted at t.
     * result[0]: sum of path lengths; result[1]: size
     public static <AnyType> int[] sumPathAndSize( BinaryNode<AnyType> t )
    {   int[] result = {-1, 0};
        int[] childResult = new int[2];
        if( t != null )
            result[0] = 0;
            result[1] = 1;
            if (t.left != null) {
                childResult = sumPathAndSize(t.left);
                result[0] = result[0] + childResult[0] + childResult[1];
                result[1] = result[1] + childResult[1];
            if (t.right != null) {
                childResult = sumPathAndSize(t.right);
                result[0] = result[0] + childResult[0] + childResult[1];
                result[1] = result[1] + childResult[1];
        return result;


For, add:

    public void printInOrderWithIdentation( )
        if( root != null )

    public float averageHeight( )
        return BinaryNode.averageHeight( root );