Algorithm search: Input: A: an array of integer of size N. target: the target integer to search for. Output: index: if target is in A the first index such that A[index] = target else -1 Student solution C: Int size IF element e entered by user than display array of that element. Student solution A: [1] array B <- each element is the address of the element of A. Create array B of size N such B[i] <- address(A[i]) [2] B <- Sort(B) [3} Perform a binary search to find target in B. [4] If not found, return -1 [5] Perform pointer arithmetic to compute and return the index. Algorithm search: Input: A: an array of integer of size N. target: the target integer to search for. Output: index: if target is in A the first index such that A[index] = target else -1 Student solution (b): [1] for the number 1 to N compare A[number] to target [2] if they are eqaul, return number [3] If you get N+1 return -1; A suggested algorithm: [1] for i = 0 to N-1 loop [1.1] if A[i] == target then return i; [2] return -1; Alternatively: for i = 0 to N-1 { if A[i] == target then return i; } return -1;